When fear enters our lives, it can affect us all. We are perfectly fine the way we are, but sometimes pulled into social falsehoods. It is all around us.

Expectations can ruin a relationship, but fear can ruin lives. And fear can invade everything, including relationships.
Fear is the direct opposite of love, and it makes itself known through the form of defensive behaviors. Many people make up for the things they do not have, the “illusion” of inadequacy. They hide a part of them because they feel less than perfect and work very hard to convince all those around them that they are okay.
The fact is they are perfectly fine the way they are, but pulled into a social falsehood. It is all around us—people who are poor, overweight, or who do not look like a movie star.
These are only a few types of fear that enter our lives.
Men are fearful because they are conditioned by society not to show vulnerability. If a woman see herself as less than “ideal”—thin and gorgeous—she trembles in her shoes at the prospect of judgment, leading to the ultimate fear—rejection. This climate of social fears casts a pall over most of humanity, even though it manifests itself in many ways.
What exactly is fear of rejection? Like all social activities, there are two actors—the rejecter and the rejected. Nothing like this ever occurs in a vacuum, it is all about context. Similar are most human endeavors: one performs an action, and another is acted upon. Love, hate, war and sex are all variations of the same themes.
All it takes for the act of rejection is one simple statement—“I do not want you.” This starts a chain reaction of complex emotions that take into account all sorts of feelings and thoughts. It can be a crushing reality, especially if there are aspirations of love and romance.
In a perfect world, people are wholly unto themselves and those rejected would take the statement simply at face value. Acceptance would come with the realization that the rejecter only wishes to spend his or her time elsewhere.
No harm, no foul.
It could even be that the two people involved are—in reality—perfect for each other, only the circumstances may not be right. Wrong time, wrong place… right people.
What is necessary in this situation is one thing: acceptance of the rejecter by not taking the statement personally. We did not fill requirements they were looking for, but we are not to blame.
When rejected, it is most often that we perceive that there is something wrong with us. We view ourselves as less than savory, and only a matter of time that our faults were brought to our attention.
For example, one may say, “I like you well enough, but your anger is unacceptable.” Remember, not all accusations are based in fact. You become defensive—and fearful—that what they are saying is the truth!
In fact, people exaggerate and make up stories as to why they do not want to be with you. It is important to use judgment, and you know in your heart what is really true.
There is a more subtle fear that creeps into many relationships. Often misunderstood, it creates a sense of dependency that weakens the loving bond.
It is the fear of being unneeded.
If you are frail, the need to be needed can turn clingy. A more headstrong person would have this fear trigger a walk away from the relationship—looking for something or someone else. It is a common yet complex presence in a relationship. It is the source of co-dependency.
Dependency is allowed—even accepted—because it reinforces the desire to be needed. This can be an emotional minefield, and is disturbingly widespread. If one partner sees the other striking out—enjoying their interests and friends—the other panics and becomes dependent. Fear takes over—a fear of being replaced, abandoned or not loved.
The question becomes... what do you do?

Relationships are like a jar, which is filled with either love or fear. When you pour in fear, love spills out. Empty the jar of fear and love can return and take its rightful place.
The universal fear is of being alone. Humanity has never been meant to be alone, which makes being alone a primal fear. We crave the company of others, but like other primal fears, are quickly distorted.
Fear of being alone is natural, but it becomes irrational if we cling to relationships for this reason alone. A bond that does not serve any higher purpose than fear of being alone is unhealthy. It is similar to staying with an abusive spouse for companionship—at times, the bad outweighs the good.
So now comes time for the hard questions. What are your fears? Rejection? Solitude?
We all have fears... what counts it is how you handle your fears. It has been said that heroes are no different from ordinary people—they are only braver for a few minutes more than the rest of us.
That is the challenge of life... to understand your fears and remain brave—even if it is for only five minutes longer.
It’s a good start.
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