Monday, August 15, 2011

Fears In Your Life

When fear enters our lives, it can affect us all. We are perfectly fine the way we are, but sometimes pulled into social falsehoods. It is all around us.

Expectations can ruin a relationship, but fear can ruin lives. And fear can invade everything, including relationships.

Fear is the direct opposite of love, and it makes itself known through the form of defensive behaviors. Many people make up for the things they do not have, the “illusion” of inadequacy. They hide a part of them because they feel less than perfect and work very hard to convince all those around them that they are okay.

The fact is they are perfectly fine the way they are, but pulled into a social falsehood. It is all around us—people who are poor, overweight, or who do not look like a movie star.

These are only a few types of fear that enter our lives.

Men are fearful because they are conditioned by society not to show vulnerability. If a woman see herself as less than “ideal”—thin and gorgeous—she trembles in her shoes at the prospect of judgment, leading to the ultimate fear—rejection. This climate of social fears casts a pall over most of humanity, even though it manifests itself in many ways.

What exactly is fear of rejection? Like all social activities, there are two actors—the rejecter and the rejected. Nothing like this ever occurs in a vacuum, it is all about context. Similar are most human endeavors: one performs an action, and another is acted upon. Love, hate, war and sex are all variations of the same themes.

All it takes for the act of rejection is one simple statement—“I do not want you.” This starts a chain reaction of complex emotions that take into account all sorts of feelings and thoughts. It can be a crushing reality, especially if there are aspirations of love and romance.

In a perfect world, people are wholly unto themselves and those rejected would take the statement simply at face value. Acceptance would come with the realization that the rejecter only wishes to spend his or her time elsewhere.

No harm, no foul.

It could even be that the two people involved are—in reality—perfect for each other, only the circumstances may not be right. Wrong time, wrong place… right people.

What is necessary in this situation is one thing: acceptance of the rejecter by not taking the statement personally. We did not fill requirements they were looking for, but we are not to blame.

When rejected, it is most often that we perceive that there is something wrong with us. We view ourselves as less than savory, and only a matter of time that our faults were brought to our attention.

For example, one may say, “I like you well enough, but your anger is unacceptable.” Remember, not all accusations are based in fact. You become defensive—and fearful—that what they are saying is the truth!

In fact, people exaggerate and make up stories as to why they do not want to be with you. It is important to use judgment, and you know in your heart what is really true.

There is a more subtle fear that creeps into many relationships. Often misunderstood, it creates a sense of dependency that weakens the loving bond.

It is the fear of being unneeded.

If you are frail, the need to be needed can turn clingy. A more headstrong person  would have this fear trigger a walk away from the relationship—looking for something or someone else. It is a common yet complex presence in a relationship. It is the source of co-dependency.

Dependency is allowed—even accepted—because it reinforces the desire to be needed. This can be an emotional minefield, and is disturbingly widespread. If one partner sees the other striking out—enjoying their interests and friends—the other panics and becomes dependent. Fear takes over—a fear of being replaced, abandoned or not loved.

The question becomes... what do you do?

The way to combat this is by loving yourself. Inner love is to let those people have their feelings, and not to be frightened or threatened. Our first reaction is to remove the things that take attention away from us, but this is not love. It is a self-centered and selfish feeling that only goes to chip away at our own self-esteem. And this is the destructive nature of fear.

Relationships are like a jar, which is filled with either love or fear. When you pour in fear, love spills out. Empty the jar of fear and love can return and take its rightful place.

The universal fear is of being alone. Humanity has never been meant to be alone, which makes being alone a primal fear. We crave the company of others, but like other primal fears, are quickly distorted.

Fear of being alone is natural, but it becomes irrational if we cling to relationships for this reason alone. A bond that does not serve any higher purpose than fear of being alone is unhealthy. It is similar to staying with an abusive spouse for companionship—at times, the bad outweighs the good.

So now comes time for the hard questions. What are your fears? Rejection? Solitude?

We all have fears... what counts it is how you handle your fears. It has been said that heroes are no different from ordinary people—they are only braver for a few minutes more than the rest of us.

That is the challenge of life... to understand your fears and remain brave—even if it is for only five minutes longer.

It’s a good start.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Living Healthy Can Be Simple

Living a healthy lifestyle. It is a natural way to live and is possible for anyone.  If your goals are to live a healthier lifestyle, or to maintain the health you have, taking a few small steps will lead to substantial benefits.

Here are few things to consider:

·                     Take care of what you already have.

Maintain the health you have now. If you feel you are not living as healthy as you want, start with this moment! The past is history. Your new life is here. Every day you are one step closer to achieving the health goals you set. Take care of your body and soul—by taking action now.

As your grandmother used to say, “No time like the present.”

·                     Get moving!

Introducing exercise into your life can be the most important thing a person can do to reach a healthy lifestyle.  It is something you can do today.  A short 20 minutes of walking can be a good start. Exercise does not mean hours in an expensive gym or hundreds of dollars of special equipment.  All you need is an open door.  Go outside and walk.  Start slow and have fun!  Pace yourself.  If you try to do too much at once, you run the risk of burnout. Even a few minutes can be fine—anything is a good start! 

A healthy lifestyle is a process and takes one day at a time.

·                     Make healthier diet choices.

You do not have to give up the things you love to be on the road to health.  Start small and be creative.  Introduce some new vegetables into your diet.  Find some healthy foods you like and add them to your diet.  Read labels and watch salt, sugar and fat counts.

·                     Watch what you eat.

In a healthy lifestyle, the amount you eat is as important as the food you eat. Small snacks several times a day are better for your body than three huge meals.  Your body is like an engine, and small bursts of energy will keep your engine running smoothly.  Invest in a small kitchen scale. It does not have to be expensive. You can find them at the thrift store.  Use it and keep aware of the size of your food portions. Monitor your eating habits by starting a food journal.

You may be surprised with amounts of food you consume, sometimes without even knowing!

·                     Do not “lose weight”—be healthy.

It is important for a healthy lifestyle to keep a proper weight.  In addition, no one likes to be told they need to lose a few pounds.  If your health goal is only to lose weight, you will be less successful.  The idea for a healthy lifestyle is to feel better and live better.  Taking care of you should be the reason for any lifestyle changes. 

The goal is to be happy with yourself and your body, no matter your size.

·                     Talk with an expert.

Take the time to get regular checkups, including blood pressure and diabetes.  Have a conversation with your doctor or health professional. If you have any family history of health problems, it is essential to talk with them about any changes to your lifestyle.  They can guide you in how important it is to maintain good health.
Health is something that cannot be rushed. The most successful lifestyle changes are ones that come gradually.  It is impossible to force well being. Nevertheless, you can always take an active part in creating the lifestyle you want. 

The best thing for your body is to start slow and let your wellbeing build naturally. You will find that with good things, one positive step will lead to the next.  Healthiness can be like a snowball rolling down a hill.  It will grow on itself. 

By making some small initial changes in your everyday life, you will begin feel better. Soon your new lifestyle will make you healthier and happier.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Enlightened Spirit

The enlightened spirit understands itself and its own capabilities. It is impossible for a single person to do everything, but they can always do something. Being able to accomplish one thing at a time is essential to your happiness. If you leave too many things unfinished, true accomplishment will be harder to find.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lost in Love?

You find yourself in love... and this time you know it’s different. You will do whatever it takes to keep it.

Feels great doesn’t it?

Of course, that is until you find yourself completely consumed with romance. You start to feel lost, and feel as though you don’t know yourself any more. Sadly, your friends start to fade away.

You have heard someone say, “You can’t truly love someone unless you first love yourself.” But in this relationship, you find yourself focusing 100 percent on loving someone else and all your energies on keeping your love together.

Is this right or wrong? A hard question to answer... isn’t it? It’s true you want to make your loved one feel as if they are the most important person in the world, but what about you?

Compromise in a relationship is vital, but replacing who you really are with the thoughts, feelings and emotions of another is not. When you realize that you may be in a totally consuming relationship, there will be little left but resentment towards your partner. It is hard to reclaim yourself while staying in this kind of relationship. The outcome is usually heart-breaking crisis, with no one to blame but you.        

On the other side is finding yourself in a halfhearted relationship. In this, one or both of you hold back affections until you know for sure that yours is in love with you. In this type of relationship you fear that you will be putting more into the relationship than what you get out of it. This conditional view creates a lot of emotional insecurities on both sides and typically doesn’t end well.  

Both of these relationships are very unhealthy and are led by fear. In an all-consuming relationship, it’s fear of not being loved. In a halfhearted relationship, it’s a fear of being hurt. In order to love whole-heartedly without losing who you are requires a different perspective on relationships all together. Even though you know that relationships require work, you may find yourself thinking that all it takes is to meet the right person.        

Are you wishing for a partner who is going to give themselves to the relationship 100 percent? Then you first need to take a close look at yourself. Ask are you willing to do the same? Do you give back the same as what you get? Listen to your heart. When things feel right, allow yourself to feel the fear and then give love anyway. Love without hesitation and with all of your heart. Don’t let your fear of rejection or getting hurt damage your relationship.   

Love is about making choices. Whatever you choose it must be done whole-heartedly, that way there is a good chance you will never lose it. 

Love teaches you to become a better person.

Restore your faith in love and become emotionally available to each other. Put your fears and your past behind you. Learn to trust by trusting yourself... the most powerful lesson you will ever learn.

Love is not something you find, but something that you share. A relationship allows you to do this. Don't turn your back on love every time it touches you, because if you give up on love then you give up on yourself.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Love—The Gift Anyone Can Give!

Love—The Gift Anyone Can Give!

Love allows you to open yourself completely to another, and can join two spirits to love each other as much as they love themselves.

The ability to love is one of humanity’s highest achievements... and one of its greatest mysteries.

But there are a few things we should know about love.

Love is not an object that can be presented from one person to another—although it can be the ultimate gift. It is not a thing you can hold in your hand—even though there are many ways it can take shape and many forms it can assume. Few can identify, exactly, when love comes but everybody knows when it is gone.

Love is a behavior.

Yes, love is an action—and to thrive it must be shown, at least, to one other person. It is also something that is given freely and openly. And that is love’s most important quality!

The effect of genuine giving, centered somewhere other than the self, can be intense and profound. It allows people to open themselves completely to others, and join two spirits to love each other as much as they love themselves.

This is how many people understand love... as if it can be truly understood. They have a “know it when you see it” attitude, where love is something that spontaneously arises from within. Very secretive and covert,  it plays “gotcha” with your emotions.

But what is “love”... real everlasting love?

Love is a bond that comes from appreciating the good in another.

Yes... I said it... the “good.”

I know it may be surprising to hear that word—goodness—when putting love in context. I guarantee that very few love stories incorporate people’s ethical considerations. Nobody ever talks breathlessly about high moral values during a passionate embrace.

However, in studies of successful long-term relationships, one of the highest ranked factors is the value placed in a partner’s moral qualities.

To those in the Jewish mindset, this is not a surprise. Of course, the things that we value in ourselves,  are the same things that we appreciate in others. We were created to see ourselves as good, and it is only logical that we seek the goodness in others.

So... beautiful looks, sparkling personality, wit and intelligence may be attractive to you, but goodness is the true fertile soil of love.

If love comes as a result of the appreciation you have for the goodness of your partner, then it does not just happen. It can be made to happen! You can produce it! It is only a matter of focus. And if you can create it... you can choose it!

When you look at another person and say, “I love you,” what you are really saying is that you respect and appreciate who they are and what they stand for. It is the goodness they represent that attracts you.

Certainly, there is a huge difference between this and the deep, profound love that develops over time—especially in long-term relationships and marriage. But it is a start!

Since love is a behavior, it is also a choice!

By focusing on the good in others, you can choose to love almost anyone, and by extension, the entire human race. However, what do you need to do to deepen this warmth for a specific person?

Feelings are affected by many things, but our actions touch our feelings the most. It leads us to believe that if we want to be a more compassionate, thoughtful and loving person, we must start by having more compassionate and loving thoughts, and follow it up with acts of rakhmim... charity.

Most people think that love is the source of giving, but true kindness is the exact opposite—the act of giving leads to love.

After all is said and done, true love is an act of giving centered on others—not ourselves—and requires several elements:

  • A specific recipient for your love.
  • A sense of commitment.
  • The conscious act of loving.
  • Understanding the common bond that links us all.

When love is broken down to its most basic parts, it can actually be possible to find, create and maintain love over the long term, with anyone of your choosing. Love is a combination of goodness, giving and respect—things a thoughtful and sensitive person can control.

It is time to rejoice! This realization is certainly something that should be celebrated. Love is not a mystical phantom that arises suddenly and without warning, but is a wonderful behavior that is created, nurtured, cherished and—of course—shared!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The DEVIL watches you...
Can he be beaten?

The Devil Card emerged in your Tarot reading—are you feeling his presence? You must act NOW... before he makes himself KNOWN!

The Devil is chasing YOU! But what can you do? There IS an answer! Find out how to move from the Devil’s shadow—with just ONE phone call!

I am a third-generation Mystic, specializing in the mysteries of the Tarot. What I have learned is that the cards are an instrument, much like a fine violin. Play them well, and the beauty of the universe will be opened to you.

In a few cases, however, a Tarot spread can serve as a warning—giving notice that your life is NOT what it should be.

Today, I find myself in a position to WARN YOU!

I know we have never met, and this message may seem strange and sudden, but it all comes from what I sensed about YOU! Clear as day! I could do nothing else but to send you this message—IMMEDIATELY!

Let me begin...

It all started with a simple reading—nothing special, I assure you! But after a few moments the cards felt a little strange. UNUSUAL VIBRATIONS arose as I held each card. At first the throbbing was very weak, getting a little stronger with each turn of the card. This left me more than a little shocked, since I used my favorite deck, one that I hold in a special silk wrapping—protected from all sorts of negative energy. I had to understand the reason for this force.

As I said, yours was not a normal reading! Especially upon reaching the last card—the FINAL RESULT!


Yes, my hand felt a PECULIAR HEAT; it seemed as if this last card was filled with ENERGY! It was COMPLETELY AMAZING!

I then turned over the fiery card and saw it was—THE DEVIL!

The Devil made a CRUCIAL appearance in your reading, but it could be a reading that just may SAVE YOUR LIFE!

The Devil card suggests many things—many of them ominous and menacing. The most important is the seeker’s overwhelming connection to the material world, as well as a distressing loss of spirit. His nature is of a notorious trickster, leading innocent people—like YOU—away from the happy life you deserve, pushing you into a life of sadness and despair!

You can only imagine how disturbing it is to have THE DEVIL appear to me—even more so when accompanied by hot flames of the wicked! I couldn’t do anything else until I contacted you RIGHT AWAY!

Most people live their lives unaware of the TRUE NATURE of things. They go about their day... live... eat... pray... and love... all without knowing the forces at work in their lives—both GOOD and BAD!

I see it every day—people come to me pleading for help. UNSEEN INFLUENCES are tormenting them, causing sadness and misery. They want me to get rid of the troubles plaguing their lives. Being the type of person I am—someone who refuses to turn away those in need—I use my gift of psychic wonders to open a path for them—a path to TRUE LOVE, more MONEY, better RELATIONSHIPS and MORE!

What gives me the most pleasure in my special calling is when I can reach out to someone I know needs help more than anyone else—today, that person is YOU! I am relieved to finally reach you—just in the nick of time, too.

Before the Devil’s power has a chance to INFECT your life!

Please... don’t be frightened! You are NOT alone! There are many things that can be done. I know you may find it hard to believe, but the appearance of The Devil can be a GOOD THING for you!

This card shows where you your real interests lie—in GOODNESS! My dramatic Tarot reading tells me there is hope for you yet—in finding a better life with more MONEY, better SEXUAL RELATIONS, closer FRIENDS and deeper ties to FAMILY! We can help you defeat The Devil—and get the life you DESERVE!

I have surrounded myself with many other MysticsGOOD, KIND and SENSITIVE. All of us are blessed with the special knowledge YOU need in this time of uncertainty. We are all here—waiting to help you BEAT THE DEVIL!

It’s in the cards… BREAK FREE with THE MAGICIAN!

It’s in the cards…

Oh, you cannot begin to understand how EXCITED I am for you! It is thrilling to think of what could lie ahead in your life. Your possibilities can be incredible!

However, I feel something else is beginning to happen. With the excitement I have in my heart, I also have a strong sense of ALARM—a FEAR that your life is going down the wrong path. Can you feel it as well? You must do something about it—NOW!

Before you read further, I beg you… to CALL TODAY! Stop the fear! Waiting—even a few days—could mean the difference between your life of happiness and one of despair.

It is not that you are consciously making bad choices or doing things to hurt your chances at happiness. In fact, I know you have been trying to live a good, honest life. But underneath it all, don’t you think there could be something MORE out there for you?

I DO! That is what makes this message so IMPORTANT. Please, let me explain.

Through a series of important Tarot readings, I discovered that at this very moment there are forces—DARK AND EVIL FORCES—at work in your life. Lately they have become especially mischievous, preventing you from enjoying real success—things you have worked very hard to achieve.

MONEY—PASSION—ROMANCE—SUCCESS—GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING—they all are being DENIED to you by negative energy in your life! This must stop TODAY!

What brought about all this was a single Tarot card! This card holds the power to make me drop everything and send you this URGENT warning. It was a dominant sign of unusual things to come—life-changing events in your life that may be ALREADY BEGINNING!

That card was… THE MAGICIAN!

Ahead in your immediate future, The Magician has shown me the SPIRITUAL DANGER in your life. You are at risk—RIGHT NOW—of missing a better life; things like CLOSER FRIENDS, BETTER FAMILY RELATIONS, MORE MONEY and TRUE SATISFACTION! That’s right… today you are in PERIL—and your situation gives you little time to waste.

The image on The Magician Tarot card is one of power and attitude; a figure holding his wand high, ready to summon the power of the universe. He is prepared to transform earthly items in a burst of cosmic energy.

In other words, The Magician is waiting to perform WONDERFUL MAGIC in your life—converting EVERYTHING in your immediate circle—but something is HOLDING HIM BACK! It is my duty to help you STOP whatever is preventing you from living the good life—and I promise you, before you can become truly happy, this blockage MUST BE STOPPED!

Tarot readings have helped me to see the things to come if you continue on the current path of your life. Yes, there is a future with many fascinating things—but NOT ALL IS GOOD!

There is SOME good news, however. It doesn’t have to be that way—and here’s how….

Everything points to this simple conclusion—you must act NOW! Call today, before you reach a point where you CANNOT TURN BACK!

In times of trouble, I urge you to reach out and turn to the Tarot and me. The cards have been a source of comfort for those lost in spirit—someone such as YOU! The way of the cards is shrouded in mystery, even to those of us who have studied the Tarot for years.

One thing is true; the Tarot WORKS—as I will show you when you CALL NOW!

The Magician revealed himself in your reading. I am an experienced Tarot reader and this event cries out for me to discuss it with you IMMEDIATELY! I write to you today, confident you want to know when something is holding you back—so you can get rid of it FOR GOOD and live your new life filled with LOVE, MONEY and JOY!

This one single Tarot reading has given me a hint of the direction your life is taking. It all began when The Magician came into your spread—it was a CALL TO ACTION! Knowing your future is the most important tool for doing the right things, and I certainly want you to have the chance to be HAPPY!

I see this point in time as one that is critical for a secure future. There are things that you must know NOW… and it is why I say these things to you TODAY. Danger and uncertainty are close to becoming a part of your life—all shown to me through the call of the Tarot.

We MUST see this through—and a FULL TAROT READING will provide you with clear answers.

While you may look upon this with alarm, I am here to give you comfort. I realize this uncertainty may make you a little uncomfortable and the thought of something that is out there working against you can be disturbing.

There is one thing to remember. This is extremely important—the Magician card does NOT mean you are in any physical danger, my dear. It speaks of a form of spiritual growth, one that will ultimately be the best for you.

Magicians are a symbol of change. His appearance in this reading should be looked as an important sign; you will soon be presented with some crucial choices.

An in-depth Tarot Reading can give you the insights into what choices are the best ones for you. What can be better than that?

One thing is clear from this most recent reading; there is hope of a new day—as well as MONEY AND LOVE—as long as you pay careful attention to the signs! You will approach a fork in the road of your life, and SOMEONE OR SOMETHING is hiding the better path from your view. It is my belief that before you move any further along in life, you must first see ALL your options.

What we offer you is a way you can see EXACTLY what your options are.

It may be that the cards are suggesting you make some immediate changes. If that is the case, you must not wait another minute! Strong cards—especially The Magician—indicate the presence of outside forces. Maybe it is family, friends, co-workers… or something more spiritual! Whatever it is—coming from this world or the next—a spiritual energy is trying to take charge in your life.

You need to take care of this—TODAY!

I say to you… ignoring the powerful sign of The Magician is definitely not a good idea.

I know you have some questions. “What would happen if I let things be; can’t I just wait until all this passes?”

What if I said to you that WITHOUT these negative forces coming into your life, you could be RICH—see MORE MONEY THAN YOU CAN SPEND IN A LIFETIME—meet your DREAM LOVER—perhaps begin a PASSIONATE ROMANCE or a HEALTHIER LIFE?

This message should serve as a WARNING. You need to WAKE UP TO THE FACTS—that something is out there. The Magician should be your first clue. He waits for your next move!

By contacting me, or one of my advisors NOW, you can reach out—and get the help you need during this critical time.

Do you really understand what all this means for you? That is quite all right, my dear friend. We are here show you a way to sort it all out. As I say, the reason we exist is to lend you our psychic minds and spirits. To make the right choices, we urge you to use the connections we have established with the unseen universe!

With our abilities, as well as the understanding you get from well-trained psychics, you have exactly what you need in this time of very serious changes. Let the wisdom and insight of The Magician—and the Tarot—to help you to BREAK FREE!

Rules for Effective Dating

Rules for Effective Dating

Those in the dating world often have specific reasons for dating. It is not only in the interest of dating itself, or just to have a little enjoyment or companionship. Frequently, there are clear objectives—from trying to have a little fun to finding a suitable partner for a long-term relationship.

It is important for those who have entered into the dating scene to remember that there are two basic approaches to dating: the right way and the wrong way.

The wrong way of dating can have huge effects on your future happiness. By following a few tips, it may help you avoid some of the more common mistakes:

  • Prepare! Do a little homework. Learn as much as you can about the person you are about to meet. Look for the potential in your date, any way you can, even before you decide to meet. Talk to friends and those you respect. Get some feedback about your situation and the possibilities for the future.
  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before your date. Sometimes when you are dating online, you must travel to meet. Suitable preparation is necessary to be well rested—that way you can be at you best, ready to showcase your charming personality and sense of humor—the essential factors for successful dating.
  • Look your best. First impressions are everything, and can influence our opinions of our date. It takes a long time to overcome a bad first impression, if it can be done at all.
  • Be reasonable about your expectations. Decide you are going to have fun before you meet for your first date. Make sure you both are comfortable and entertained, and do everything you can to make the date enjoyable. Continue to do so, even if you don’t feel there will be any further relationship. As in life, it is always good to have a positive attitude. Good will and respect is the best way to offset any disappointment over not finding your soul mate.
  • Don’t be impatient. Give it a chance to flourish! Always try for a second date—unless there are substantial misgivings about the person’s attitude, behavior or values. The first date can be a very stressful experience, and different people react differently. It is known of many couples that started off disliking each other, only later to enjoy a long, secure relationship.
  • Be persistent! In the beginning, don’t expect to be swept off your feet. To fall head-over-heels for another on the first date is a nice dream, but in reality it is a rarity. It is very unlikely that strong chemistry will happen instantaneously. Long-term relationships have passion, but also mutual respect blossoms in time. Usually it takes some time to recognize the real deal.
  • Ask appropriate questions. Don’t just make small talk—although a little couldn’t hurt—be curious and ask pertinent questions. Most dating has a purpose—from a little fun for a week or so to a lifetime commitment—and the answers should help realize that purpose. But don’t give them the third-degree! Try to understand your date’s lifestyle, motivations and values. Ideally, they should match yours.
  • Let your heart be your guide! As your mother would say... when you know, you know! It’s true! Be determined in your dating goals, and keep dating until you find the right one. This is not a race—although there are many who will insist it is. If your mind and your heart maintain that your date is not the real thing, then respect them and be graceful. Let them know clearly and kindly how you feel. There is nothing worse than leaving the other person with false hope, wondering about their future.

Online dating is a wonderful way to find a mate who shares your same values, standards and principles. But it does not have to be stressful or a chore. With a little mindfulness, respect and good humor, online dating can be fun... that lasts a lifetime!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


By Margaret Sanders

The flow of “Chi” (energy) from one entity to another is the basis of Feng Shui. The Chi energy in your environment influences your moods, emotions, physical energy and, over time, your health. Chi energy is carried through the environment by wind, water, the sun’s energy, light and sound. It flows in and out of buildings mainly through the doors and windows, but come Chi can enter and leave through the walls. The basic aim of Feng Shui is to enable you to position yourself where this natural flow of Chi helps you realize your goals and your dreams in life.

Your home must say to the world, “I am ready for success and happiness to find a clear path into my home and into my life.” With that said, where should you start?

Start with the entrance to your home…

The first step is to create a clear, open and beautiful entrance for energy to move freely and circulate through your home. When your entrance radiates positive energy, it opens the door to your destiny. Feng Shui promotes the belief that your golden opportunities come in through the front door. Think of the door as the threshold for all good things to come your way.

You should embellish the formal entrance since it is ordinarily seen from the street and maintains your public image. However, it is possible that you don’t use this entrance on a daily basis. The door you do use most frequently is significant in allowing the majority of the outside energy to flow inside the home. If you enter through an alternate door such as a laundry room, garage or side door, you should evaluate and beautify it with the same positive energy as you would the formal entrance.

• Create a path leading up to the home that’s as easily accessible as possible. Curved, windy paths leading to the main entrance are auspicious.

• Trim those shrubs, remove any items, such as trash bins, from your driveway or lawn and let people see your home first, not your clutter.

• Notice the upkeep of the paint, roof and landscaping. A home that is clean and well cared for will leave a lasting impression.

• To encourage positive living energy into the home, place two wide-leaved plants next to the main door. Having two on either side of your door encourages balance and good health and will help entice the energy in.

• A beautiful picture placed on the wall opposite the main door is used to encourage energy into the home and therefore opportunities to come into your life.

• Your main door should always open inwards into a wide space to invite the Chi and therefore opportunities into one’s life.

• The location of the door with regard to the sectors of the home indicate a priority to the occupants therefore if the door is located in the North sector, you will find that your career is a priority to you.

• Avoid facing a dark room, a direct interior staircase, mirror, stove, sink, fireplace, the door of a toilet, laundry, bathroom or bedroom. To remedy this, keep the doors closed or place a screen between the doors.

Aphrodisiacs—Do They Really Work?

Aphrodisiacs—Do They Really Work?

Lately, in one form or another, we are continually surrounded by love (or lust). Endless advertisements claiming that help is available; find the perfect partner, improve our sex lives and have an endless sex drive. It is based on the mere suggestion that a particular product can lead to the possibility of sex. Of course, claims like that are certain to boost sales and suppliers know this.

So... is there such a thing as an aphrodisiac, or is it all just a myth?

Aphrodisiacs actually provide sexual desire, but don’t—as often thought—improve performance in the bedroom. It is hormones in the body that actually make us feel sexually aroused and more receptive to the idea of making love, but if the balance is not right, we are obviously not going to feel in the mood.

Lack of sexual interest can also be due to many other factors: fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety and occasionally some serious medical conditions—it may be wise to seek the advice of a doctor.

Many believe that eating certain foods and taking specific supplements will provide them with the “magic” properties they need for a night of passion. Unfortunately, there is not sufficient evidence to prove this theory either way. It could be that certain people need higher quantities of products to make them feel passionate. It may just be that some products work better on some people than they do on others.

It is also thought that as the first signals of desire are actually sent from the brain, aphrodisiacs may act as a placebo and simply relax the body in preparation for lovemaking—drugs and alcohol can also produce a similar relaxed feeling.

Although many foods and supplements have been cited as aphrodisiacs, two of the well-known ones are probably chocolate and oysters—not necessarily together.


Oysters are high in zinc, which is thought to improve sexual potency in men. Clams, muscles and oysters all contain compounds that may help to release sex hormones, such as, testosterone and oestrogen.


On the other hand, chocolate contains phenylethlamine and senotonium, which produce “feel good” chemicals in the body. They occur naturally in the body, and are released by the brain when we feel happy or passionate.


Bananas are rich in potassium and the B vitamins, which assist in the production of the sex hormones.

Ginger and Garlic

Ginger and garlic help increase circulation, helping to improve the body’s overall sense of health and well-being.


During medieval times, honey was used to make mead (or honeywine), an alcoholic drink. Mead this was believed to enhance sexual desire.

Along with foods, there are a number of supplements that are thought to act as aphrodisiacs.


Ginseng is a well-known aphrodisiac, as is rhino horn. Rhino horn actually contains a large proportion of calcium and phosphorus, which is thought to increase general health and help combat fatigue.

It is also thought that certain scents can lead to sexual desire. Again, everyone is different and a scent that attracts one person may repulse another. Sometimes it may be because a certain scent reminds you of something you feel comfortable with and therefore relaxed and open to passion.

The same could also be said about music. Exercise can do the same, by helping you unwind and get the circulation going. Exercise also releases endorphins into the brain, which helps give you the “feel good” factor.

So, perhaps so-called experts are not entirely satisfied with the use of aphrodisiacs and feel that you would be better off with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Still, why not turn up the heat in the kitchen? Cook a meal for you and your partner that includes an assortment of aphrodisiacs. Let nature take its course, and hope for a night of passion to follow!


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