Sunday, October 31, 2010

Past Lives Karma

I am so glad that this URGENT message has arrived in time. There is so much that I must tell you. I have seen extraordinary things about the path of your life. We must act NOW to embrace this unique opportunity.
A world of LOVE and SUCCESS is at your fingertips. RIGHT NOW! And it comes to you from a fascinating place—your PAST LIVES.
I know you sense something is AMISS. That is because there is an unseen world attempting to communicate with you. It is doing it through past lives. Echoes of your history have been trying to communicate with you. They are attempting to INFLUENCE both your present and future.
You should know you have had lived a life beyond what you presently know. With the psychic connection I have with you, I had a brief glimpse into these past lives. What I have seen is a magnificent path leading you to a new life.
By using the direction provided by your past lives, I am able to give you a chance to know what is coming for you. With what I have seen through our special connection, yours is a future filled with PASSION, WEALTH and SATISFACTION.
You have always felt a better life was out there for you, just outside of your reach. What I say to you today is that life can be yours—beginning NOW!
Have you ever wondered who you really are? Is there an attraction to a particular time in history? Or did you ever met someone who you felt you have known all your life? Do you find yourself asking what your REAL PURPOSE is?
Through your past lives, all the answers could be revealed!
With my help, you can start to see the unfinished business of your life. Now is time for you to get things right!
I know that you have felt you have as if you have been living in a play. That your life is only going through the motions. Yes, these feelings may have only been brief. But they WERE there!
What you must know is that these flashes are PAST LIVES attempting to MANIFEST themselves into your present. The unseen world is trying to make itself known to you. The universe is giving you SUGGESTIONS.
It is now time to take the hint from the universe.
This is where KARMA comes in. Karma is an important part of past lives. A force that PROPELS you through your life. With each successive life we live, we either collect or dispel karma. Like tides in a mighty ocean, karma is an energy force that comes and goes in specific cycles. To continue to your ultimate happiness, you must balance this energy. Any remaining karma in life means a new life UNFULFILLED.
With exact direction, we can RECOGNIZE THE TIDES of your soul and use them to expose your leftover karma. Then you can take REAL STEPS in the present to get to your WEALTH and HAPPINESS.
I have glimpsed your past lives. They give me hints for you to begin to live this life more complete. To discover the way you were meant to be. I must warn you, BRIEF GLANCES are not nearly enough. I can only help you with INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE.
Please, contact us today!
I also know you have has a difficult time understanding the STRANGE FEELINGS. Did you ever try to talk to others about your sensations of past lives, only to have people look at you strangely? Do not be concerned, I have news that will bring you comfort.
What I have for you is AMAZING! It is a way that could bring you the destiny you have hoped. There is a way to use your rich past and karma to bring you the life you wish.
There is something I need you to know. Balancing karma by examining your past lives does more than insure your life of the future. It can bring your happy life right now.
You can live a better life by realizing your karma. With your mind opened to the realities of your existence, fantastic riches can come to you. LOVE, HEALTH and MONEY are all there for you.
In love, hints of your past life can help you IDENTIFY YOUR TRUE LOVE. With an understanding of your past life, you can RECOGNIZE YOUR SOUL MATE.
However, previous relationships may not be appropriate in this life. We can help you see this. You can take this energy of your past lifetimes and APPLY it properly. I am able to give you the context you need.
Even though the players may be the same, the play is different. The roles we have played in a past life may not work for us as well today. Contacting me, or one of our talented psychics, can GUIDE YOU to the facts you need to sort it all out. With the right guidance, you could be in the right place when it is the right time. It is then TRUE LOVE could be YOURS. We can discover if you travel alone in this life, or there is a partner for you.
LOVE is not the only thing that comes from knowledge of your past. MONEY and HEALTH also come from your lifetimes of experience.
When your mind is PREPARED, you could receive amazing benefits. UNEXPECTED RICHES could come to you almost immediately. It is all a matter of seeing your soul’s TRUE INTENTION, and staying in tune with that purpose.
With our help, it can happen—stating TODAY!
Those unexplained aches and pains could be coming from an unexpected place—your PAST LIFE. By searching your previous lifetimes, you could uncover the cause of for your ailments.
The most important thing we can get you by looking at your past lives is a SENSE OF BALANCE. We can help you to ESTABLISH HARMONY. A balanced life is the heart of karma, and the key to your happiness. Learning the lessons of the past to resolve the present will bring you a wonderful future.

Wave of Energy

Today something INCREDIBLE happened.
You must be feeling the ENERGY! Are you? I know you are!
This will be an EXCITING day for you. In fact, I could bring you the BEST DAY of your life. A day marking the beginning of a NEW PHASE of your existence. I have seen it! Because of that, I needed to send you this vital message as soon as possible.
These are BUSY days for us. Recently, the universe is filling with STRANGE and WONDERFUL visions of a future of UNBELIEVABLE PLEASURES. Many have sensed this UNIQUE period and have been contacting me with many questions.
Sensing uproar in the universe, they seek an understanding of this spectacular event. I have been working tirelessly to provide them all the answers they seek. Those who are lost and reach out will get insight during this exhilarating time. We help everyone who comes to us.
However, I see some whose spirit RISES above the others. Souls filled with a lust for life and a craving for more. People who are NOT satisfied with mundane, ordinary lives. The universe is ready to REWARD them for their restless spirit.
My news for you today is simple. A path to those with this SPECIAL ENERGY led me directly to you! You might now know it on a conscious level but the spirit within you has sought me out.
That is what is making this message so urgent. I have been given the knowledge you need. The universe has something exceptional for you!
I want you to take advantage of this MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITY. You should realize your extraordinary nature to the fullest. I am talking to you not only as a trusted advisor, but also as a GOOD FRIEND.
You see, there is UNIVERSAL ENERGY flowing through the heavens. It can bring you MANY GREAT THINGS, as long as you embrace its power. You can achieve TRUE LOVE, WEALTH and a DEEP SATISFACTION with life. I know it, and I want you to know it too. That is what makes the information in this message essential.
What is most interesting about this energy is that it is NOT AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE. Few people have the ability to realize their true potential. This is the fantastic part—YOU are one of the SPECIAL FEW!
With my help, or one of my psychic consultants, we can help you develop your inner strengths. To achieve the life that is your destiny.
I am sure you are asking yourself… WHY ME? You are wondering what is this energy and why did it choose YOU.
First, I must tell you how I came to this realization. With this most recent rise in psychic activity, my mind has been ACTIVE and even MORE SENSITIVE than usual to the waves of energy. The frequencies of my visions have increased.
Even though I have been busy, I wanted to take the time to focus on your spirit. You have been in my deepest thoughts. I am CONCERNED for you. I know how frustrated you are with the direction of your life.
Personal relationships have left you UNFULFILLED. There is a PASSION missing from your life. You feel a hollow spot in your soul, which you know should be filled with love. You are concerned this empty hole in your spirit will follow you forever.
Do not worry! With what I have seen, a CHANCE OF A LIFETIME could be coming to you—VERY SOON. The love you have been missing may be right in front of you, within your reach! Just waiting to make your life complete.
MONEY could be better, actually quite a bit better. No matter how hard you work, there is more of the month at the end of the money! You DESPERATELY want to succeed, but something inside you is telling you there are BARRIERS. Life is giving you more hurdles. You try to jump them, but they keep getting HIGHER.
For you, your future could be FINANCIALLY ENRICHING. What makes it even better is that it could be from a completely SURPRISING place. A lottery is one way, but it could also be from a contest you forgot you even entered! Regardless of the source, this amount of money could be exactly the thing to lift you to the next level of joy.
You feel RUN DOWN, tiring easily. You even may have started to exercise and eat better. It was an attempt to change, but deep down you feel there is SOMETHING MORE you can be doing.
I know what you are feeling. This flow of universal energy is just that—ENERGY! Preparing yourself for the coming wave of positive energy is the best way to feel the electricity of a marvelous life!
Please, read the next statement carefully! Within you, you will have everything you need to be successful. In all this hectic psychic activity, I have witnessed it for YOU! What is next for you is to bring this successful nature to the surface.
KNOWING there is a brilliant future is only the BEGINNING. Now is the time to get ready to accept it. I urge you to contact us today! We could help you to become the person you want to be, and live the life of your destiny.
I know that a life of more MONEY, VITALITY and PASSIONATE ROMANCE is what you have been seeking. Now that you know that it is within your reach, I also know that you will waste little time doing what you can to grab it.

November 11

In a few days, there will be a wonderful psychic event on the horizon. It will be particularly important to you and your well-being. I HAD to bring it to your attention right away, so can you can PREPARE for its arrival.
Taking advantage of this moment could bring you SPECTACULAR returns. This event can give you an opportunity to learn, about not only yourself but also about the mysterious forces that determine your destiny.
It is why I urgently want you to take special note of the upcoming date—NOVEMBER 11.
That’s right… 11/11.
In the age of digital readouts, the significance of 11:11 is more considerably more VISIBLE. Have you ever glanced at a clock PRECISELY as it flashed 11:11? How the coincidence seemed ODD?
That was NOT an accident. When you see that specific row of numbers on a screen, it is a signal to you from the universe. It is time to pay ATTENTION! It is a sign that you must take a moment to understand the workings of the spiritual world or to tap into why you were born. Time to appreciate your place in the universe and what you are here to accomplish. Eleven eleven is a SUBCONSCIOUS TRIGGER telling you something special is about to happen.
I know you are wondering… what is so SPECIAL about the number eleven? Why is its appearance so IMPORTANT to my future?
Eleven is what numerologists call a MASTER NUMBER. The Master Numbers are 11, 22, 33… and so on. Each one has a special place in numerology, individually possessing its OWN ENERGY. With a particular potential, every Master Number has increased responsibilities. They also can offer a special insight into your immediate future.
The number eleven contains more POTENTIAL than any other Master Number. It demonstrates the power of the spirit and how it could change your life.
When 11/11 appears as a date, the heavens are REMINDING us of a day to take notice! It could mean anything; from a date that you meet your one true love to an encounter that could jumpstart your true destiny. Money, health, love and inner peace all can be achieved with the right combination of mindfulness and preparation. Especially on a powerful day like NOVEMBER 11.
My message to you is simple. We must get ready for this extraordinary date. There is a problem, though. It is DIFFICULT to live your life as a sensitive person. Living life through the power of the Master Numbers means a life in BALANCE.
Today, I am so EXCITED to tell you this! I can help you achieve this ESSENTIAL BALANCE. With my help, and the help of my talented advisors, we can help you rise above the world of negative forces. We can help you become in harmony with the spiritual world.
Knowledge of the Master Numbers can give you important information. Using them in your life can unlock amazing spiritual gifts. Immediate love and wealth could come when you focus on the 11-11 pattern in your life.
Paying attention to Master Numbers when they occur, especially in the calendar, can be the way to make the MOST of this energy while it is at its PEAK.
That is why I needed to send this urgent message to you RIGHT NOW! If you wait, a few days may be TOO LATE!
I have been given a glance how 11-11 will be playing a MAJOR PART in your new life. It is a number associated with strong psychic tendencies, and that is what I see for you. Many people guided by eleven are inspirational leaders and those with a special sensitivity to the universe.
I know you are feeling the RUMBLINGS in the distance. It is your EXCITING FUTURE coming to embrace you. A life that can give you everything could be yours, but you need preparation. You need to know what to do, and we can help you.
As someone who deeply cares for you, I want you to be ready! Missing your chance to HARNESS the power of this special date would be nothing short of TRAGIC!
What I am offering you is unique. It is a way to use this remarkable opportunity to bring you all you desire. Not everyone has the sensibility to take that first step. That is what concerns me the most. Most people are not even aware that a path to ULTIMATE WEALTH, LOVE and HAPPINESS could be SO CLOSE, and so easy!
Not you! I have seen your spirit as one transformed to be what you were destined to become—with the right guidance. Using the intuition of our talented group of advisors, the power of the Master Number in 11/11 can be in YOUR life.
Of course, I cannot do this ALONE. As I said, what I had seen for you was only a glance. A brief glance is not nearly good enough. We need to look deep into your soul to see the way NOVEMBER 11 could affect your life. You should know WHERE you should be focusing your attention. For that, we need a DIRECT CONNECTION.
I am able to sense this approaching good fortune for you, but I cannot do much more without your help. With your individual spiritual energy, we can together begin to help reach the next level of your life.
What could happen when you take the KNOWLEDGE the master Numbers can give you?
-Money problems can be in the past. UNEXPECTED CASH in a bank account is one way good fortune makes itself known. Winnings in a lottery? Perhaps!
-The PASSION that is missing in your life now comes in waves, covering you in love’s warm glow. There is no such thing as COINCIDENCE when you open yourself to the power of MASTER NUMBER 11. Eleven eleven is just that sort of occurrence that could bring you a relationship you have been craving.
-You may begin to FEEL BETTER, free of the FATIGUE that comes with an overburdened soul. The weight of despair could be lifted, and you health can improve.

Dream Fountain

I want to share a FASCINATING EXPERIENCE with you. I know you are wondering why you are getting this unexpected note. Let me put your mind at ease; I have had great glimpses on the direction of your life.
You see, last night I was given INSIGHTS to your immediate future. HAPPINESS, WEALTH and FEELINGS OF DEEP LOVE are all in the future for you. They came to me in short bursts, almost like electric shocks.
All my life, I have had vivid dreams of my friends. Even of friends who I hadn’t met until afterwards. These visions come to me very FREQUENTLY. When I sleep, my mind often goes into a state where I EASILY receive psychic waves.
Of course, as you must know most people have dreams. Unlike most people, I have the remarkable ability to remember them all in DETAIL. Understanding them is the key!
In my case, the images in my dreams have a way of coming true! When I see people in my sleep, they are doing things that happen to them in the future—usually within a FEW DAYS.
This message is for you because you have visited me in my dreams! I am only a messenger, a psychic messenger called upon by the mystic world. My task was to bring this information to you immediately!
It started as a beautiful evening. I stayed up late looking at the stars, meditating on the wonder of the heavens. I used the quiet evening staring at the sky. It helps me ENERGIZE and become more in tune with the cosmos.
Time must have passed quickly, because the next thing I knew the world was slowly melting away in a soft light. I found myself standing in a field on the top of a rolling hill. A warm breeze was blowing.
In the distance, I saw YOU walking quickly. You were dressed in a white robe that flowed gracefully in the wind. Standing next to you was a person, also dressed in white.
You were motioning excitedly for me to come over, holding the hand of this person and waving at me with the other hand. As I approached the two of you, you stopped waving and began pointing down the hill.
At the bottom of the hill was a fountain. Made of ancient stone, it was a graceful statue of a beautiful woman. It was flowing with clear, sparkling water. All three of us walked slowly towards the discovery of yours, the wind gently at our backs. It seemed as if the breeze guided us to the edge of the grey stone structure.
When I looked over the edge and into the fountain, I was amazed!
Gold completely covered the bottom of the fountain, shining brightly through the water. Your eyes were intense with excitement.
 You had discovered a fortune!
Turning towards your companion and with a complete look of love, you held each other with a passionate embrace. You began to kiss. When your lips touched each other, a bright yellow light shone. It bathed the entire field in a heat.
This morning, I woke up filled with energy. This sensation left my whole body tingling.
I had to write to you… without delay! When there are visions like these, they can only mean one thing. The universe is urgently trying to break through, to bring you meaning. With it, the universe has alerted me to deliver this message to you!
In dream interpretation, a FOUNTAIN SPARKLING in the sunlight signals many FANTASTIC THINGS. Vast possessions and ecstatic delights are the most dominant themes. You could also be beginning a PLEASANT JOURNEY. Whichever it is, it could be the start of a THRILLING TIME!
DISCOVERING GOLD is also an important sign, one suggesting a great WEALTH or GOOD FORTUNE. Finding gold in a dream can mean either success in a business transaction or a sum of money. It may be a good time to try the lottery, or enter a contest. I ask you to consider it, very soon!
Of course, the other person in the dream appeared to be a very close companion. It could be someone you already know, since my dream started with the two of you holding hands. It comes out as someone with whom you were ALREADY FAMILIAR. It is important to note that once you kissed it changed the entire world. It is a sign. A very important sign. You should pay SPECIAL ATTENTION! It seems a new love may come from a recognizable place, with someone you know.
I want to help you find that new relationship, and discover the fortune in the dream.
What was most fascinating about the dream was the BREEZE! When dreaming of wind, especially when it is at your back, tells me there are powerful forces working in your favor. It is pushing you forward. These positive influences are bringing you to your destiny.
When I woke from this dream, I was determined to bring you this MAGNIFICENT INFORMATION. I am confident that once you heard about these powerful visions of you, you would want to act on them NOW!
This was a dream of DISCOVERY. It told me of your UPCOMING FEELINGS OF LOVE, UNEXPECTED MONEY and the start of a JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY.
This is why I am sending you this URGENT MESSAGE. I need to take the images of my dream and complete the picture with your own spirit. I have spoken of these dreams with several of my close confidants. They all agree it is ESSENTIAL to examine deeply these hints from the universe as soon as possible. We are here for you!
It can be the beginning of your DESTINY. Once we piece together the mystery of these dreams, we can build a plan of action for you. It could lead you to the LOVE, MONEY and HAPPINESS you desire.
You see, the information in dreams is a little like a jigsaw puzzle. We can only see a few of the pieces. We need you to help fill in the missing pieces. After that, we can view the WHOLE PUZZLE… the big picture. The psychic map of your life includes your PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween... Redux

This time of year has electricity in the air. I know you can feel it.

I just experienced a very powerful dream about you, with images that imply something MARVELOUS is about to occur—in a FEW DAYS! Halloween could begin exciting changes in your life. Love, luck and money could all be at stake!
As I mentioned, last night I experienced a fascinating dream COMPLETELY focused on you. This dream revealed passionate love that could be coming your way—very soon. October 31 is a date very important to you. We must prepare for it—NOW!
At one point, my dream began as if it would be a NIGHTMARE.
Fitting for Halloween, don’t you think?
But don’t worry, you will soon see how BEAUTIFUL this time of year could become.
First, let me tell you about this interesting dream. It reveals much about the direction of your life, and the WONDERS in your immediate future.
You are walking down a path through a dark forest. It is twilight. Millions of sparkling stars fill the sky. At the end of the path, is a small opening in the trees. There is an old iron gate standing open. You carefully pass through the gate, entering an area that first looks like a field. Pale moonlight illuminates you as you approach this open spot in the forest.
You look around and see large grey stones scattered on the ground. They lay at all angles.
A figure waits you at the edge of the field. It is a tall person staring peacefully at you. You begin to walk slowly towards them. A shadow covers the face, but it is clear that the person is calm and serene.
In this dream of you, you were dressed in 19th century garments. The figure also wears a Victorian era waistcoat. Both outfits were of rich, dark velvet. They were DEEP BLUE in the glow of the night sky.
As you pass, the stones begin to change. They are now more visible in the moonlight. The grey shapes on the ground are TOMBSTONES! The quiet field you are standing in was actually a CEMETERY. The years carved in the gravestones in the cemetery were all from the 1800’s. The numbers on the stones were ornate and very clear. What was unusual was that names on the tombstones all have the SAME BIRTH DATEOCTOBER 31.
A flash of fear washes over you after you realize you are standing in a graveyard. The expression on your face was OBVIOUS. You were terrified! You hesitate for a moment and then continue to make your way towards the person.
When you reach the end of the cemetery and approach the figure, the entire world changes. The scene goes from one of DREAD and FEAR to one of COMFORT and PEACE. Although it is late at night, it feels as if dawn has broken. The sky was still dark, but strangely bathed in a light.
The air goes from misty cool to warmth, as an invisible sun began to shine. You smile as you take the hand of this mysterious stranger. The look on your face has changed. There is a SPARKLE in your eyes. With a great relief, your fear suddenly DISAPPEARS. It left as fast as it came. What starts as a frightening picture becomes a beautiful image of peace and joy.
I woke from this dream more excited than I have been in a while. Halloween is fast approaching, and we do not have much time to prepare.
I hope by now it should be obvious to you. There are EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS APPROACHING in your life, and the last day of October could be the key. We need to examine the meaning of these psychic messages. I want you to see clearly what knowledge the universe is trying to give us.
My dream of you hinted of many things. By looking at the garments and the dates, it suggests that PAST LIVES will play a part in your future. It is common for past life regressions to signal something MOMENTOUS is about to come. With dreams as vivid as this, CLOSE ATTENTION to dreams become even more important.
The mysterious figure in the dream is a major clue. When a person appears in shadows, it suggests a STRANGER will soon enter into your life. However, instead of a feeling of fear there was the glow of WARMTH. In my experience, whenever sensations of warmth occur, it means LOVE. PASSION is an emotion I associate best with your encounter in my dream.
What I recommend today is that you stay aware of what you first see as random. It just may become the start of your TRUE LOVE.
I do have one concern. Of course, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to keep track of EVERY “chance” encounter. As your friend, I do not want you to WASTE YOUR ENERGY chasing things that may lead you nowhere. It is why I send you this urgent letter right before Halloween.
I believe that we can direct you in the right way, and do it before the key date of October 31. With your personal contact, we can see into your spirit. We could then determine precisely where your focus should be.
I know you are looking forward to POSITIVE CHANGES in your life. I believe that this Halloween could be the PERFECT time. We have a team of talented advisors that can help you understand your past lives, and the role they play your destiny.
As someone interested I the psychic world, I am sure you realize some basic facts of past life regression. For example, you know your mind lives in THREE SEPARATE TENSES: past, present and future. Each one of them has a role in what you will become. With images of your past reaching back hundreds of years, the revelations of you suggest unfinished business in your life. When DATES are dominant in a dream, it too is a sign.
 What I also find most fascinating is the SUDDEN CHANGE IN TONE as you approach the figure in the cemetery. Shifts in energy suggest that your LUCK could be changing—for the BETTER! I have seen for many of my friends this type of swing of fortunes. It usually comes with a lottery or a competition.
Most of the time, an UNEXPECTED AMOUNT OF MONEY is a part of the good fortune hinted by dreams. I wouldn’t want you to miss it!
What is clear to me is that you are now approaching a time full of changes. Halloween can be the focal point in this NEW PERIOD OF YOUR LIFE. Take advantage of this time! The best way to enjoy fully all that is coming for you is to be PREPARED! With what I have seen, you can do just that! 

Psychic Vampires

Halloween is more than just celebrating ghosts, goblins and monsters. Did you know it also could be the start of your AMAZING NEW LIFE? A life more positive than you might ever imagine. I know you are curious as to why I’m saying this today—OF ALL DAYS.
Let me begin with this…
As a child, I know you were frightened by thoughts of Halloween. It was a time of creepy and mysterious tales of GHOSTS and MONSTERS.
Now, as an adult, you see stories of Halloween as childish. Worries—that are more grown-up in nature—replaced the fears and excitement you had as a youngster. Halloween is a time of GREAT PSYCHIC ENERGY. In this time, I have seen your dismay. I know your mind fills with concerns of MONEY, LOVE and HEALTH. I want you to know that it does not have to be this way.
I had to send you this message right away. You needed to know it today! It is information that could be the secret to your ultimate happiness. I have identified what is keeping you back, and now can offer what you need to succeed.
As a student of the mystical world, I have spent my entire life helping people understand what REALITY is. Part of my work has been to give people a realistic appreciation of what we can do for them. I assist those who want to learn about the real workings of the human spirit.
Much of what I do dispels the misunderstandings about psychic intuition. In ancient times, those with special connections to the universe were dismissed as witches. They were victimized because of their talents. Persecuted by ignorant people with small minds. Those who refused to believe in things they could not understand.
Throughout history, there has been brilliant fiction written about strange beings roaming our world. Monsters that to live, they must feed on humans. Fantastic tales of evil fiends that wish us harm. Halloween has become a time of year where many tremble at the thought of these demons.
Please, I do not want you to be afraid! There is one thing you must understand. It is a simple fact.
Those monsters are NOT REAL! Universal energy is what can bring us inner glory and happiness… and that is real!
There is a major difference between scary monsters and the realities of the spiritual world. I have spent my life working with cosmic energies that are GOOD and PURE. My gift is a power that has helped thousands of people to LIVE A BETTER LIFE. I have experience in helping those in need. Now I can help you.
However, horror stories do teach us something about the MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN. About what we can do to live the life of our dreams. We can get SOME good from them.
In the past few years, vampires have WILDLY jumped in popularity. You see them just about everywhere. Books, television, movies… all over popular culture. It is not surprising. There have always been fascinations with the possibility of ETERNAL LIFE. The idea of the undead walking among the living has CAPTIVATED our imagination.
Are vampires real? Many doubt their existence. I have spent years studying unexplained phenomenon, and there is LITTLE proof that vampires actually walk amongst us.
Even if there may not be vampires in the flesh, there are forces that feed off your psychic spirit. NEGATIVE FORCES that keep you from realizing your true purpose. What is important is that you understand what is out there. You can rid yourself of their influence.
What I could give you is EXCEPTIONAL! It is way to force psychic vampires into the daylight! You know what happens to vampires when they see the sun…
It is my reason for this urgent message, especially for Halloween! I want to make you aware. When we act on this, you could rid yourself of negative energy.
I am not saying that there are flesh-eating zombies or werewolves around the corner, ready to pounce. As your friend, I would NEVER scare you. I only have your BEST interests in mind.
What I can say to you is that these forces prevent you from real passion in your life. They are keeping you from the EXTRA MONEY you need in this difficult time. Negative energy could even be affecting your HEALTH, making you feel LESS than your best. It may be why you feel TIRED and WORN DOWN.
This Halloween, I can give you so much MORE than scary stories. You could get real answers on how to open your heart to passionate love, receive more money and live life at its peak.
Together, we can put a STAKE through the heart of spiritual vampires. Stop them from taking the GOODNESS from your life.
Forces take the shape of many things. It may be in the form of a TOXIC RELATIONSHIP holding you back. Perhaps they are NEGATIVE HABITS picked up when you were younger. You may not even be aware of them!
With my help, or that of one of my wonderful group of advisors, we can discover the SOURCE of these negative forces. Together, we could help you understand what changes you need for a better life.
 I can help you IDENTIFY negative energy around you. Once we know what causes the barriers to your true purpose, you can replace negative with positive energy. I have seen what it could do for your life.
When we understand how these energies are affecting your life, you may have several ways to improve. Personal contact with us is the best way to get what you need.
I am concerned for you. Time is important in creating your new life. Like a Jack-O-Lantern on Halloween night, you should take GOOD FORTUNE when it is at its freshest.
Imagine… MORE MONEY in your bank account, or an EXCITING NEW ROMANCE! All these could be in your future. Rid yourself of the psychic vampires in your life!
This new insight could mean the beginning of a completely new life for you! You will finally be on the right path. I know that when you see how I could help you, you will jump at this remarkable chance.
I am so excited that this Halloween could be your chance to begin a brilliant future.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spirit Guides

Money and passion—things that you have long awaited—are coming your way! You need to be aware of their arrival and make yourself ready. What is near your doorstep could bring you REAL SATISFACTION.
I have just been in touch with my SPIRIT GUIDES. They are special guides from nature that are my intimate connection with the cosmic world.
One thing that many people do not know about spirit guides is that there are special ones for each area of your life. There are some that control LOVE. Others affect material things like MONEY. Many others are summoned for their HEALTH concerns.
All my life they have contacted me. They have been very good to me, and have been guiding me towards positive results. For a long time what they have given me has brought comfort to my friends. I have helped several people—like you—who are searching for answers to life’s BIGGEST QUESTIONS.
This time my spirit guides gave me something SPECIAL. They have led me directly to YOU! With their help, I have received unique insights into your future. It should definitely be of special interest to you.
LOVE has been on your mind. You feel that romance is ABSENT in your day-to-day life. MONEY has also weighed on your soul. Times have been difficult, and you desperately find that your financial life could be a little BETTER.
My message to you today is simple. You do not have to worry any longer. With what has come to me, your troubled mind will finally be relieved. I have seen it for you. You have been looking for a fresh new start. You need a change in your life. This includes the excitement of new love and the pleasure of more money in your pocket.
What I have seen are GREAT THINGS in your future! You could be experiencing GRAND CHANGES in all parts of your life. The best advice I have for you today is, do not hesitate! Please take this chance and the OPPORTUNITY presented by the spirit guides.
There is one thing I must let you know. The amazing things I have seen for you will not arrive ON THEIR OWN. They need ACTION on your part.
Please do not be worried. What I am proposing are not MAJOR CHANGES. However, they could have a big effect.
To achieve your destiny, the changes in your life DO NOT have to be earth shattering. In fact, they do not have to be difficult at all.
However, to get the GREATEST in life you must first make yourself AWARE of your surroundings. That is what I can do for you. I am able to help you see the important signs to your brilliant future. Then and only then, you can ACT on them! It is not only the OBVIOUS signs you should be looking for, but also many small things. Things that most people could easily DISMISS.
In my latest conversation with the spirits of nature, I have seen ways we can use their power to get the LIFE YOU WANT. You can help the spirit guides by doing a few things.
A good way to bring the power of the universe to you is by summoning spirit guides. It is something you can do. Attracting the assistance of spirit guides can be done through MANY ways. A special method for me has been with special scents. In my experience, fragrances can bring the magic of the guides to you, if you know HOW to use them.
For example, since love is on your mind the best scent used for love is ROSE ESSENCE. By using the scent of roses or rosewater in your life, you can draw upon the spirits of LOVE and JOY. You may want to add more of the scent of roses as you are thinking of your love life.
A good friend of mine was in a difficult point in her love life. She had recently suffered through a long period of loneliness. She was very unhappy. I had suggested using a small amount of rose essence mixed in with her usual perfume.
The results were REMARKABLE! The next day she went to her usual morning coffee shop. A young man had commented on her new scent, UNEXPECTEDLY! One thing led to another and they are now together in a wild and passionate romance. She is now having the time of her life. It was such a MINOR CHANGE, but it made a huge impact in her life.
This is what I am able to do for you. By examining the forces in your life, we can determine what you need to do to bring it to a new level.
Another is the herb rosemary. For centuries, rosemary has been used as a token to ward off negative energy. Psychics use rosemary when a seeker wants help in matters of MONEY and FINANCES. It is one of the most potent essential oils, and has many beneficial health benefits including its magical properties.
By using rosemary in the right way, it could bring you the success you have been missing.
For me, many of these special scents help with connecting to my spirit guides. When you contact me, or one of my special advisors, we can see EXACTLY which method could be the best for you. With the right intuition, we can help clearly view your destiny. We can work with you to determine the right details to focus on. You can have all you desire!
As I was saying, this most recent episode with my guides has led me to you. It is the reason I am sending this important message. What makes this urgent is that time is upon us. I could not wait to bring you this important information.
There is one way to best use my psychic tools for your benefit. It is through a PERSONAL INTERACTION with you.
My relationship with the unseen world has given me an amazing glimpse into what is coming.
You can get the guidance you need to get ready for this FANTASTIC NEW LIFE. We can offer this to you. With our help, you will start realizing the hidden forces in your life.